Learners Chess Ratings

In the Fall of 2019, Learners Chess developed an internal method of tracking players' game results and then "rating" the game results on a regular basis. Rated games are played in our school clubs, camps, and tournaments. Tracking ratings is a great way for chess learners to track their relative improvement against that of their peers.

We currently have two publicly viewable lists We also maintain lists for each before/after school club that we send to parents directly.

View Learners Chess Active Players Ratings Here! (includes all players active in the last 12 months)

View Learners Chess Life Time Players Ratings Here! (includes all players who have ever played)

About these ratings: Learners' students may play rated games in their clubs, at camps, at Community Chess nights, or in Learners' tournaments. Learners chess coaches who are overseeing their clubs or camps will report game results. These lists will be updated regularly. Typically, we will have new ratings published on the weekends, especially when school programs are ongoing and after tournaments. Only players who have played a rated game in the past 12 months will be listed on the active list. Typically a player's rating is not very accurate until the player has played rated games against at least 25 different opponents. These lists will get more and more accurate as more students play more games against each other, especially after tournaments and other events that pair students from different schools against each other.

How are they calculated: We are using a program called "The Chess Ranking Assistant," which is an add-in to Microsoft excel created by the founders of Microsoft Excel Add-ins. When we run an update, we enter all games played, results, and time stamps in a time period and it calculates ratings based on a player's initial rating and the ratings of the opponents played. If two equally rated players play a match, their ratings will change by the same amount but in opposite directions. If they draw, their rating will not change. If a very high rated player wins over a much lower rated player, the ratings of each will only change a little. If the lower rated player wins, the higher rated player will lose more points than she/ he would have gained for winning and the lower rated winning player will gain those points. More specifically: These ratings are calculated using the Glicko rating system invented by Mark Glickman.

Further reading on rating systems:

  1. chess.com article on rating systems.
  2. Wikipedia article about glicko rating system.

As with all aspects of our organization, we will regularly work to improve the quality and usage of these lists.